Thursday, September 24, 2009

40 Days for Life

One of the greatest evils that our country participates in is abortion. In Texas alone over 80,000 people loose their lives largely because of selfishness and greed. Across the country, 1 million lives are snuffed out.

40 Days for Life is a great way to do something via prayer. This is a national vigil where thousands across the country stand at the abortuaries of this nation and pray continuously for 40 days.

This year the prayer vigil lasts from September 23rd (yesterday) to November 1st. There is plenty of time to get involved. Click here to find out if your city is participating.

I participated last year and it was an amazing time of prayer. I encourage you to join me this year. If we confess the sins of our nation, I am certain that God will come to our aid.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Call 2 Fall

I am so encouraged that there are hundreds of churches answering the Call 2 Fall this Sunday. This is a call to come together and have solemn assemblies confessing personal, congregational, and national sin. I am sad that my church will not be involved, but I plan to be involved personally even though we will be out of town for the Fourth.

The Call 2 Fall people have a blog.

They also provide a list to get you thinking about your personal life, your church, and your country.

O Lord, thank you for the many thousands that will be seeking your face this Sunday on behalf of our nation. Help us all turn our hearts to you. Help us to be part of a great revival sweeping this nation.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer 2009

I am glad that our country still has a National Day of Prayer. I would like to encourage you all to pray a prayer of national confession today. National confession is simply coming before the Lord and admitting all of the wrong that we have done as a nation whether we have participated in the wrong as individuals or not. Here is an example:

Lord of all creation, I come before you today confessing that as a nation we have glorified the creation via extreme environmentalism instead of you the Creator. We have glorified killing innocent babies instead of godly mother and fatherhood. We have glorified greed and materialism instead of generosity and charity.

Especially troubling to me, O Lord, are the millions that die and have died before they had a chance to breathe their first breaths. God, we have become so desensitized to the killing. Help us to care enough to act. Help me care enough to act. Help your church be involved in the prevention of abortion through prayer, abstinence education, and godly parenting. Help your church support those who choose parenting or adoption instead of killing. Help your church bring healing to those that made a bad choice and are now mourning the loss of their child.

Another thing that is heavy on my heart is the disregard many Christians have for the complete authority of Scripture. It shows up in combining evolution and creation. It shows up in agreeing with same sex "marriage". Help us know that truth is found in Your Word. Help us trust that you are telling us the truth. Help us know that the Bible is a miracle not the mere work of men.I ask all of these things in the holy name of Jesus.

This was origninally posted at